Announcement: Andrew Perkins Departure from Metelec and appointment of Steve Dove

Andrew will be leaving Metelec on 4th November 2021 after 18 years valuable service. His resignation from the Board will be effective from 4th November On behalf of the Board, and colleagues of Metelec and Gindre Group he has received warm wishes for a long, healthy and exciting next chapter ahead. Andrew has many plans going forward, and sincerely hope he is able to fulfil his personal goals in the same fashion as his achievements attained in his career here at Metelec. Steve Dove will be joining Metelec on 4th October and taking the position of Operations Director as Metelec continues to focus on growing its component offering following investment and restructuring at its Walsall facilities. Steve joins Metelec with considerable experience in Metals distribution and supply chain management.